Most everyone knows that Channing has been extremely fussy her whole life. The majority of the day and night she would cry and our doctor couldn't tell us what was wrong besides telling us that it was colic and she would grow out of it. I couldn't understand that there was nothing i could do for her because it was obvious she was in pain and it was extremely frustrating and EXHAUSTING. While she was fussing at church my friend Kim came up and began asking me questions about her behavior and told me that i should get Channing tested for blood in her stoles to see if she was allergic to something like her children were. I tried to cut out all milk from my diet and we tried the the formula Nutramagen with some relief but still she seemed in pain. I finally took my friends advice and took her to the doctor she uses. I gave them three diapers and the nurse came back 5 minutes later and told us that all were full of blood. I was shocked because you couldn't see any blood. The doctor told us that we needed to imidatly switch and use the formula Neocate and that i had to stop breastfeeding. I never thought that i would be sad to stop but I was/am really sad that I have had to stop feeding her : (. The formula is almost 50 dollars a can and we go through a can almost every 2 days....uggg! The insurance denied us and we are currently trying to appeal it so we can get some kind of help with it. I feel horible that i didn't take Channing to get tested earlier : ( At least i will know with my next child what to do and not just take the answer that it is colic and she will grow out of it.
sleeping with coco at laurens wedding
she loves to stand up
she lovesssss bath time : )
drinking her new neocate on the go
i'm soo glad she's feeling better! I love seeing all these pictures of her. She's such a cutie!