Tuesday, May 3, 2011


True story: Today Natalie took Channing to the mirror she kept giving herself a stink look at not smiling at herself. Natalie then put her bow on for her and then she would smile so big at herself. She knows when she looks pretty : ) I love this little girl.

Well I am LOVING my life as a stay at home mom and not having to worry about school. It has been packed with one thing after another and it is so amazing to just focus all my attention on Channing and her needs and not have to think in my head please hurry up and go to sleep so i can try and squeeze in 15 minutes of studying before you wake up. Now i enjoy the time i get to hold her and rock her to sleep and sometimes hold her after shes fallen asleep to watch her and give her extra kisses. These two weeks are bitter sweet because i get to taste what it would be like to just get to stay home with her and now I am dreading going back to school even more. Ugg! Just keep telling myself it will be worth it to be able to support myself and Channing if ever need be. Anyway... the first night after taking my exams was the twins lacrosse banquet. I helped my mom put this together and made the deserts for it so we stopped by to see the end result. It was awesome we then had to leave because Channing got her shots that day and had a bad fever from it : (.
Channing and her Granddaddy at the banquet
Dads company (Sawgrass) made banners for all the seniors this was natalie and nicoles over the desert table before it was all the way set up (notice the cake pops that we made they were a hit) Every player got to take home one of the table decorations

The next day David and Dad finished out the turkey season strong and got some turkeys! (yes i am such a good wife I let David go hunting even though i wanted to)

My sexy hunter

Saturday night we got the chance to go to Taylor and Jen Williamsons wedding at Magnolia Gardens. Welllll Channing still had a fever and was a little fussy so i was hesitant about going but Lendrum called and said he was going and would drive so that I could sit in the back with Channing. We ended up getting lost and stuck in traffic so we missed the ceremony : ( but made it in time for the reception. It was beautiful! The setting was breath taking the oak trees surrounded the outside dinning area and the inside building had an amazing indoor green house. The food was fabulous and taylor and jen looked like they came from a jcrew magazine. I also enjoyed getting to see my friend Caitlyn and get to catch up a tiny bit with her since she moved recently : ( .

Channing and Sugar
Lendrum and Mckay (who says hes chans godfather lol) I love my cousins/brothers
You can't see the background but it's beautiful... aunt step : )

The next morning Nicole, Channing, and I got up early and went Charleston National Yard Sale. We racked up! We got two jump-a-roos, a ton of toys and books, every disney princess dress outfits which im in love with and cant wait until she wants to dress up!, a baby pool, swimy diaper, high chair booster, and a lot more of stuff and only spent 60. After we went and got fabric for nicoles prom dress and then went and got it altered its going to look so good!
some of our jack pot from Saturday

Random side note... Natalie is a great aunt. Every day she gets home from school around lunch time and holds Channing for 20 mins or so to let me eat lunch without trying to juggle channing. She will play with her whenever I am at my parents house and I need help.
(kim and goose bought her this outfit)

Channing now grabs her feet and thinks she is grown, she tries to walk and eat and drink etc.

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